As estate agents we have many tools at our disposal to promote our business, the property and ourselves as agents. Yet one of our most easiest, cheapest and effective resources is often undervalued, communication.
How we communicate can have a dramatic impact on the success of your business. This may be an obvious statement, but honestly, how well are you communicating?
Our business is built on relationships and as such, they need ‘watering’ to encourage them to grow. It is so easy to forget to water them, or just to drip-feed them every now and again. Although they may grow without frequent watering, they won’t be strong and some may even die through the process.
Firstly let’s look at a market appraisal. You’ve had a phone call and confirmed an appraisal, what do you do next? Many will believe that the meeting is confirmed and that’s fine, but what if I tell you, you are missing a massive trick to engage with your clients in a way that you will be remembered before you even knock on the front door.
I heard of an inspiring company the other day that have completely perfected their communication policy with their clients. They had researched various industries best practice, as well as connecting with realtors in the USA. Their result is a client centric strategy that immediately tells the client the ethos of the company.
Once a market appraisal appointment has been made, the person they spoke to sends them a personal letter to confirm. This is not a bog standard template, but a letter, which shows they listened.
They have also considered personal safety, in regards to ensuring that the client is never worried about a stranger turning up at their door. With this in mind they send a photo or a video of the person undertaking the appraisal so they will know whom to expect. For those of you thinking how time consuming and what a waste of time, think again!
Sending the photograph starts building the relationship with the client. It also gives a very positive first impression of the company as one who is professional, caring and efficient. These qualities can then be reaffirmed during the appraisal itself; leaving the client with no doubt in their mind which agent they wish to list their property.
You have completed your appraisal, what now? How good are you at following up, or do you want the client to call you? Every meeting with a potential client should be followed up but remember not to sell. What I mean is you need to learn the art of selling without selling, as soon as you turn on your ‘Salesman’ sign you will find your potential clients closing the door.
You have now secured the property and lined up a series of viewings. Have you repeated the above method for both vendor and buyer? Although the potential buyer may be seeing several agents, leave them with a powerful impression as we all know that a buyer will always become a vendor. Each and every step of the process should involve a touch point for communication. Whether it be a phone call, email, video or even a letter, but no matter which form you choose, it is essential that you make it personal.
We have only looked at one area of your business but think about all the times you communicate or should I say, should communicate. Are you communicating enough with your vendors, buyers, landlords, tenants and potential and past clients?
Communication is a powerful resource that sets the tone of how your business is perceived and encourages loyalty. So I ask you to take a moment to think about how you communicate in your business, is it valued?